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Innovation Process Barriers in Public Sector: a Comparative Analysis in Lithuania and the European Union

리투아니아 국외연구자료 기타 Alvydas Raipa, Vidmante Giedraityte International Journal of Business and Management 발간일 : 2014-09-25 등록일 : 2016-05-26 원문링크

Innovation design and implementation becomes one of the essential conditions for the modernization of publicgovernance, but innovation process in public sector is a quite risky and the success is not always guaranteed, so itis important to identify and to prevent innovation barriers. Public sector organizations’ abilities to identify theinnovation barriers and to develop their management instruments, determine the quality and efficiency ofinnovation processes. The most frequently mentioned barriers to public sector innovations are a lack of foundingand human resources, regulatory requirements, a lack of management support and incentives for staff, an uncertainacceptance by users, a risk-averse culture and a staff resistance. The article focuses on the classification of publicsector innovation problems and barriers. The authors, using meta-analysis method, attempt to model interferencesof internal and external barriers to innovation. By a content analysis of secondary data, authors try to finddifferences, similarities and to compare innovation barriers in Lithuania and other countries of the EuropeanUnion.

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