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Positive and negative impact of increased tertiary attainment

슬로바키아 국외연구자료 기타 Alena Bušíková International Journal of Economic Sciences and Applied Research 발간일 : 2013-02-11 등록일 : 2016-06-23 원문링크

The theory of human capital clearly states that the investments into the education bring many benefits and are worth the cost. The OECD Education at a Glance analysis provides support for both public and private investing in tertiary education as the net present value is positive for all observed countries. Considering the benefits of education, a growth in tertiary education should be viewed very positively. In this context, the European Strategy Europe 2020 set up one of its main goals for EU27 countries as follows: to increase the educated population so that it reaches 40% (tertiary educated people aged 30-34). This article, on an example of Slovakia, provides an analysis of both positive and negative impact of increased tertiary attainment.


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