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[정치]자유주의와 보수주의 대립에 따른 파라과이 국토개발정책의 변화

파라과이 국내연구자료 기타 구경모 부산외국어대학교 중남미지역원 발간일 : 2012-06-18 등록일 : 2017-04-14 원문링크

The aim of this investigation lies in the search of Paraguay's national development planning by conflict between liberalism and conservatism. During the Change of Paraguay's National Development Planning, the antagonism of Conservatists(Colorado Party) to Liberalists(Liberal Party), which included Socialists, was heightened in Paraguay. Finally in 1947 to 1959, civil war broke out between the two powers. And the rapid progress of Movimiento de 14 de Mayo in 1959 overpowered the liberalists. With anti-U.S. Socialists of Latin America, mostly from Argentina, Uruguay and Chile, the members of Liberal Party in Argentina led the Movimiento de 14 de Mayo. The Movimiento de 14 de Mayo forced Paraguay's national development planning to shift from railroad construction to national road construction. The Paraguayan government under Stroessner didn't like what had happened and expressed their dissatisfaction towards the Argentinean government that possibly supported Movimiento de 14 de Mayo. Against Argentina, pro-Brazil Stroessner constructed a national road and border towns to encourage trade with Brazil. This meant that it no longer constructed the north-south railroad that symbolized trade between Argentina and Paraguay. Instead it began to build a national road that ran east-west. Consequently, the Movimiento de 14 de Mayo and the rise of the Stroessner government changed Paraguay from pro-Argentinean to pro-Brazil with the first indication of it being the development of Ciudad del Este. The cities that were developed on the railroad started to decline by construction of the national road.

본 페이지에 등재된 자료는 운영기관(KIEP)EMERiCs의 공식적인 입장을 대변하고 있지 않습니다.

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다음글 [정치]파라과이 군부독재정권의 성립과 반공주의의 역할 2017-04-20
