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[경제] House Price Convergence: Evidence from India

인도 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - La Banque de France 발간일 : 2022-12-07 등록일 : 2022-12-25 원문링크

The “club convergence” of sub-national house prices has so far been studied in respect of a number of advanced economies and emerging markets, but not for India. As such, this study contributes to this gap in literature by analyzing long-run convergence of regional house prices for a major emerging market. This study finds that city house prices in India do not converge to a single steady state, rather they form at least three clusters and converge to their respective steady state paths. The house prices are found to display conditional convergence driven by several factors, which inter alia include initial price levels, mortgage loans, and population density. The outcome of this study could be useful for policy makers in designing cluster-specific policy measures. It could also be useful for real estate fund managers, in achieving better fund diversification strategies, and the mortgage market forecasters, in reduced forecasting and modelling efforts.

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