[경제] India State Roads Sector : Ten Key Insights
인도 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - World Bank 발간일 : 2023-03-13 등록일 : 2023-03-17 원문링크
A World Bank report on the Indian highway sector (World Bank 2002) put the spotlight on state highways agencies and networks. This critical “middle” layer of the network is between the national highway system and the village roads providing basic access. While both the national and last-mile layers had and still attract a lot of attention from the national government, the state highway system is managed by the states with no national attention or funding. This middle layer was and remains critical to India’s economic and social aspirations: to connect agricultural goods and small and medium-scale enterprise (SMSE) outputs to markets to bring goods to rural India. This feeder network providing crucial interlinkages, connectivity, and access accounts for around 3 percent of the total network length, carrying 40 percent of total traffic (medium to heavy). However, almost 60 percent of this network has a carriageway width of less than the two-lane standard. The five states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Gujarat, Rajasthan, and Andhra Pradesh account for 56 percent of total length of state highways in India.
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