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[경제] Getting India’s Electricity Prices “Right”: It’s More Than Just Violations of the 20% Cross-Subsidy Limit

인도 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - CSEP 발간일 : 2023-06-08 등록일 : 2023-06-24 원문링크

Electricity is one of the most important forms of energy in India, and is growing in share of total energy, especially as India strives to decarbonise. Until the late 1990s, integrated State Electricity Boards (SEBs) ran the entire electricity value chain. Over about 15 years, these were corporatised and mostly unbundled, creating separate public companies down the supply chain of electricity generation, transmission, and distribution (including consumer retailing). Almost all Distribution Companies (DisComs) remain State-owned, except for the few regions or cities that were historically private, or two States that privatised their State DisComs. Unfortunately, most DisComs, especially public ones, perennially suffer heavy losses, both of energy and of money. As DisComs are the last leg in the chain of electricity supply, their viability impacts the viability of the entire chain, and struggling DisComs are also a risk for India’s climate change ambitions.

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