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[경제] Indonesia's Health Labor Market : A Descriptive Analysis

인도네시아 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - World Bank 발간일 : 2023-08-16 등록일 : 2023-08-27 원문링크

To reach universal health coverage (UHC) and achieve the ambitions of the sustainable development goals (SDG), a sufficient supply of health workers is needed to ensure access to quality health services. In Indonesia, this means increasing the number, skill mix, and distribution of human resources in health (HRH). Most countries face either absolute and/or relative shortages of health workers. Strategies aimed at strengthening service delivery will need to address the production, retention, and distribution of HRH. Countries have applied different strategies to increase the supply and retention of HRH, especially primary health care (PHC) workers. These range from curriculum reform in medical schools and training to introducing new and alternative cadres of health workers, introducing monetary and non-monetary incentives for rural and PHC practice, and regulatory measures to force workers to practice at specific areas or levels of the service delivery ladder. This report approaches HRH from a descriptive health labor market (HLM) perspective.

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