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[경제] How Do Shifts in Land Tenure Affect Farmersin the Philippines?

필리핀 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - World Bank 발간일 : 2023-10-12 등록일 : 2023-10-15 원문링크

Land titling interventions often span several years. The impacts of an intervention that subdivides collective land titles and issues individual titles can vary across individuals and time. The vast majority of farmers in the sample prefer to own land individually rather than collectively. However, an intermediate stage in the intervention - between survey subdivision and issuance of individual titles - decreases their perceptions of tenure security, trust in government, happiness, and women's decision-making authority in the short-term. These shifts are not universal across farmers, and the anxiety related to a change in tenurial status may fade over time. The receipt of individual land titles improves perceived tenure security and can lead to investment in the land. To ensure positive or neutral impacts throughout the process of the transition in land rights, clear communication and access to support services are essential, as well as ensuring titles are distributed in a timely manner.

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