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[사회] Population Growth as a Cause of Human Development in Zambia (1992-2022)

잠비아 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - African Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development 발간일 : 2024-02-01 등록일 : 2024-02-08 원문링크

This article investigates population growth as a cause of human development in Zambia from 1992-2022, with the substantive objective being to examine whether population growth causes income inequality, poverty and unemployment in Zambia. The study was built on two theories: Malthusian theory of population and demographic transition theory. It employed a mixed research method, utilizing both qualitative and quantitative data. Using the granger causality as the estimation technique specifically utilized the Vector Autoregressive model and correlation tests; the results show that population growth causes human development and poverty. Furthermore, that population growth does not cause income inequality and unemployment in Zambia. The study recommends that the government of Zambia invests in Research, Development and Technology so as to be in touch with the needs of the people, equally investing in education and health infrastructure and human resource, and be deliberate about setting up manufacturing industries and revamping existing ones.

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