[개발] Leveraging the OECD Framework to Create Policies That Enable Eco-Innovation: A Case Study of Neom Part 2
사우디아라비아 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - Educational Administration Theory and Practice 발간일 : 2024-05-07 등록일 : 2024-05-09 원문링크
This research explores the adaptability and efficacy of the OECD eco-innovation framework in guiding sustainable urban development within emerging urban centres, mainly through Neom, Saudi Arabia. It seeks to elucidate the framework's potential in facilitating eco-innovation in urban planning, contributing to the broader discourse on sustainable urban development. Employing a qualitative research design, the study engages with a cohort of experts through structured interviews, complemented by a thematic analysis of these discussions. This approach allows for an in-depth exploration of the application and impact of the OECD eco-innovation framework on Neom’s urban planning and development strategies. The study also incorporates a systematic review of relevant documents to understand further the integration of eco-innovative practices in Neom's planning processes. The findings highlight the critical role of the OECD eco-innovation framework in driving eco-innovation within Neom’s urban development. Key insights include the importance of financial incentives, regulatory frameworks, market mechanisms, and knowledge exchange in fostering urban eco-innovation.
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