[정책] Silent shadows in the rebirth of Czech nation: Unveiling the role of rape and sexual violence in the ethnic cleansing of post-WWII Czech lands
체코 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - Nations and Nationalism 발간일 : 2024-10-21 등록일 : 2024-11-13 원문링크
The article explores the harrowing use of sexual violence as a tool in the ethnic cleansing of Germans in post-World War II Czechoslovakia. By examining the grim realities of internment camps, prisons, and border regions, it reveals a disturbing pattern of abuse aimed primarily at German women by Czech men. This violence was not isolated but integral to the broader project of national cleansing, laying bare the patriarchal foundations of Czechoslovak society. State policies, including the differential treatment of mixed marriages, reinforced a male-dominated ethos. By stripping Germans of their citizenship and legal protections, Czech authorities fostered a climate of impunity, allowing a wave of sexual violence to persist through the ‘German transfers’. The article sheds light on this dark chapter, exposing how rape was used to reaffirm Czech men`s dominance in the nation`s postwar rebirth.
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