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[교육] Education Inequality in India: An Empirical Analysis Using National Sample Survey Data

인도 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - Indian Journal of Human Development 발간일 : 2024-11-06 등록일 : 2024-11-27 원문링크

This research examines the rural–urban differences in educational inequality of major states in India. Using National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) data and decomposition methods, this study finds that overall educational inequality has come down but still very high in rural areas. We found that factors such as limited access to higher education, financial constraints and social factors are responsible for the high inequality in rural areas. This study highlights the need for government intervention to enhance educational access by increasing institutions and providing financial aid. It also notes that non-financial barriers like English proficiency further exclude lower socio-economic groups. Hence, we argue for inclusive education policies to improve the existing situation.

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