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[사회] Reconsidering the aftermath of Turkey's 1960 coup d’état: bringing out the interplay between internal and external dimensions

튀르키예 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - Taylor & Francis 발간일 : 2025-01-16 등록일 : 2025-01-21 원문링크

The 1960 coup d’état marked a unique moment in Turkey's republican history, as it was the first time the military overtly intervened against civilian rule. After the coup, Turkey faced a crucial binary choice: whether to return to democracy and maintain its Western orientation or fall under prolonged military rule and decouple from the West. Policies pursued in one area inevitably affected the other one, such that attempts to facilitate domestic recovery through radical but also undemocratic measures had the potential to detach Turkey from the normative sphere of the West, thereby affecting its international relations.

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