[사회] Book Review: India’s Development Diplomacy and Soft Power in Africa by King Kenneth and Meera Venkatachalam
인도 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - GIGA 발간일 : 2024-09-24 등록일 : 2024-10-31 원문링크
Amidst the current global events, such as the prolonged dispute between Russia and Ukraine in 2022 and the peak of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict in 2023–2024, these circumstances provide important examples to reinvestigate Nye`s conception of soft power, as explained in his work, “Bound to Lead: The Changing Nature of American Power.” Nye`s soft power, which also emphasises western appeal and attraction, largely from western perspective, seems inadequate. This necessitates reconsidering soft power and international relations generally and India–Africa relations in particular. Soft power as an idea also reflects geopolitical strategies and influences that are not organically applicable to non-western scenarios. It highlights how western nations like the United States and western European states capitalise on culture and values to influence other nations while often overlooking their own cultural and philosophical ideas. In contrast, India`s relationship with Africa is based on an enduring “cultural connect,” including historical, philosophical, and civilisational linkages beyond soft power dynamics. Thus, “cultural connect” must be emphasised beyond “soft power” while looking at India–Africa relations within contemporary global dynamics. This academic and scholarly shift recognises the vitality of cultural, philosophical, and historic connections in understanding the nature of influence and engagement in a non-western context, specifically in India–Africa relations. In such scenarios, the significant work by Kenneth King and Meera Venkatachalam, “India`s Development Diplomacy and Soft Power in Africa,” tries to provide new and crucial approaches for India to participate in the contemporary global order in the context of Africa. These reinvestigations seek to question and maintain India`s lasting relations with Africa, while also countering actions by other actors to deplete its relationship with the African continent.
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