[IT] Future Scenarios of Islamic Republic of Iran's smart cities in the Horizon of 1420
이란 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - University of Tehran 발간일 : 2024-04-01 등록일 : 2024-04-18 원문링크
The rapid growth of communication, IT and change in the lifestyle of urban dwellers with their increasing presence in the virtual space on the one hand and the significant increase in the process of urbanization and migration on the other hand have caused, creating a high population density in cities and so the necessity of managing and providing urban services based on technological tools & Information is more visible than before. In the meantime, some countries have made the development of cities and the electronicization of urban services dependent on conduct of special studies through policy and planning, from the results of which projects are extracted, which are known today as projects to create smart cities. Therefore, the aim of this research is to draw the future space of cities for the country's policy makers and planners and to confront them with the uncertainties that they will face in the future, and with a strategic view of this issue, while identifying the actors and drivers related to the creation and development of smart cities in The country has drawn the future space of these cities in the horizon of 1420. This research is of a qualitative type and in it, with the help of 19experts, during the holding of expert panels, the Peter Schwartz method was used for scenario development and four plausible scenarios were presented. Also, at the end of the research, suggestions are made to reach the desired scenario that can make the path to desired future smoother.
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