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[정책] Unpacking the process of developing South Africa’s national drug policy – lessons for universal health coverage

남아프리카공화국 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice 발간일 : 2024-07-17 등록일 : 2024-08-09 원문링크

South Africa’s national medicines policyFootnote1 was published in 1996, during the first post-apartheid administration (South African Department of Health, Citation1996). The South African National Drug Policy (NDP) has been widely lauded, most notably because of the perceived outcome of the court challenge mounted in 1997 by the Pharmaceutical Manufacturers’ Association (PMA) and its member companies, and the impression that the policy was directly responsible for access to affordable antiretroviral therapy (Ford et al., Citation2011; Klug, Citation2012; Pharmaceutical Manufacturers’ Association, Citation1998). Although the subsequent linkages are evident, they are by no means as simple as often portrayed. In order to understand the constraints faced at the time of the policy’s development, it is important to frame the context of the policy processes at that point.

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