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[경제] An Assessment of Determinants Influencing the Online Buying Behavior of Retail Consumers in Croatia

크로아티아 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - ResearchGate 발간일 : 2024-09-01 등록일 : 2024-09-27 원문링크

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to determine the factors that affect online trust, online repurchase intentions, and intentions to engage in online word-of-mouth (eWOM) in the condition of the Croatian retail market. That includes exploring the set of online shopping drivers, easy to perceive and recognize by online consumers and store managers, and the frequently researched concept of the online customer experience. Methodology: The survey captured the opinions and revealed the preferred online shopping drivers and behavior of predominantly younger Croatian examinees (N = 276). The factor analysis and structural equation modeling were applied. Results: The outcomes imply a positive impact of the online customer experience and online trust on repurchase intentions and intentions to engage in eWOM. Furthermore, three sets of online shopping drivers were found to positively impact repurchase and intentions to eWOM, while online trust mediates the relations between online customer experience and both repurchase and intentions to eWOM. Conclusion: The outcomes confirmed the value of creating a favorable online experience and the relevance of determining specific online shopping drivers. Furthermore, these outcomes corroborated previous studies, concluding that the continuous effort to gain and sustain online consumers' trust pays off through elevated repurchase and word-of-mouth intentions.

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