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[기업] Labour Market Integration of Former Clients of Czech and Polish Rehabilitation Centres: A Case Study

체코 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - Wiley 발간일 : 2025-01-04 등록일 : 2025-01-21 원문링크

This study investigates the determinants influencing the labour market integration of former clients of rehabilitation centres, with a focus on past clients of Europe Teen Challenge (ETC). The research aims to examine the impact of economic, social and personal factors on the likelihood of successful labour market integration and the motivation to maintain employment among former ETC rehab clients. The study utilizes a questionnaire encompassing sections on employment, demographics, work experience, societal and personal elements related to motivation theories and substance usage. The results indicate that poor relations with superiors significantly reduce the duration of job retention. Experience exhibits a beneficial impact on labour market involvement, and previous users of hallucinogens demonstrate higher job retention rates. Salary, commute to work, prior alcohol addiction, workplace discrimination due to past substance abuse and limited opportunities for education or certification also play crucial roles in labour market integration. The study emphasizes the importance of supportive work environments and tailored strategies to enhance labour market outcomes for individuals with a history of substance abuse. These findings contribute to a better understanding of the complexities surrounding labour market integration for former rehab clients and offer implications for policy and practice in the field of rehabilitation and workforce integration.

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