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일간 에스토니아 주요뉴스 [2024.2.27]

에스토니아 주핀란드 대한민국 대사관 2024/02/29

ERR Estonia Links


- Estonia to earn significantly less from CO2 quota allowances than last year (https://news.err.ee/1609264386/estonia-to-earn-significantly-less-from-co2-quota-allowances-than-last-year)

- Over 200 ATMs closed in Estonia over the past decade (https://news.err.ee/1609264788/over-200-atms-closed-in-estonia-over-the-past-decade)

- Estonian FM: Sweden's accession into NATO is the start of a new era (https://news.err.ee/1609264911/estonian-fm-sweden-s-accession-into-nato-is-the-start-of-a-new-era)

- Municipalities concerned about compulsory education age limit reform (https://news.err.ee/1609265019/municipalities-concerned-about-compulsory-education-age-limit-reform)

- Estonian PM counting on Isamaa, EKRE for Russian citizen disenfranchisement (https://news.err.ee/1609265376/estonian-pm-counting-on-isamaa-ekre-for-russian-citizen-disenfranchisement)

본 페이지에 등재된 자료는 운영기관(KIEP)EMERiCs의 공식적인 입장을 대변하고 있지 않습니다.

게시글 이동
이전글 일간 에스토니아 주요뉴스 [2024.2.16] 2024-02-22
다음글 다음글이 존재하지 않습니다.
