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[교육] Bangladesh - Learning Acceleration in Secondary Education Operation
방글라데시 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - World Bank 2023-09-24 원문링크
[경제] Top Talent, Elite Colleges, and Migration: Evidence from the Indian Institutes of Technology
인도 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - NBER 2023-07-09 원문링크
Psychosocial problems among adolescent students: An exploratory study in the central region of Nepal
네팔 국외연구자료 기타 Bihungum Bista, Pushpa Thapa, Diksha Sapkota, Suman Bahadur Singh, Paras K Pokharel Frontiers in Public Health 2017-03-22 원문링크
#Nepal #student #RA1-1270 #Public aspects of medicine #Adolescent #Cross-sectional study #Psychosocial problem 자세히보기