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Pregnant women’s preference and factors associated with institutional delivery service utilization in Debra Markos Town, North West Ethiopia: a community based follow up

에티오피아 국외연구자료 기타 Hinsermu Bayu, Mulatu Adefris, Abdella Amano and Mulunesh Abuhay Bio Med Central 발간일 : 2015-02-05 등록일 : 2015-02-09 원문링크


BackgroundMajority of deaths from obstetric complications are preventable. But every pregnant woman face risks which may not always be detected through the risk assessment approach during antenatal care (ANC). Therefore, the presence of a skilled birth attendant in every delivery is the most critical intervention in reducing maternal mortality and morbidity. In Ethiopia the proportion of births attended by skilled personnel, is very low, even for women who have access to the services.MethodsA community-based follow up study was conducted from January 17, 2012 to July 30, 2012, among 2nd and 3rd trimester?s pregnant women in Debre-Markos town, east Gojam Zone, Amhara Region, North West Ethiopia. Simple random sampling technique was used to get a total sample size of 422 participants.ResultsA total of 393 pregnant women were included in the study. The study revealed that 292(74.3%) of the pregnant women planned to deliver in a health institution. Of these 292 pregnant women 234 (80.14%) actually delivered in a health facility.Age range from 15?19 year (AOR?=?4.83 ,95%CI?=?1.562-12.641), college and above education of the pregnant women (AOR?=?12.508, 95%CI?=?1.082-14.557), ANC visit during the current pregnancy (AOR?=?1.975,95%CI?=?1.021-3.392),perceived susceptibility and severity of pregnancy and delivery complication (AOR?=?3.208 ,95%CI?=?1.262-8.155) and intention (preference) of pregnant women for place of delivery (AOR?=?7.032, 95%CI?=?3.045-10.234) are predictors of institutional delivery service utilization.ConclusionsPreference for institutional delivery is low in the study area. Sociodemographic factors, perception about delivery complication, ANC follow up and their intentions for institutional delivery are among important predictors of institutional delivery.

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