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“All I Can Do Is Cry”, Cancer and the Struggle for Palliative Care in Armenia

아르메니아 국외연구자료 기타 HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH 발간일 : 2015-07-14 등록일 : 2015-09-11 원문링크


Two years ago my left hand got paralyzed from the tumor and I started to develop severe pain. It felt as though it was burning, as if my arm was on fire. It was hellish pain. Now I have pain 24 hours a day, but at night it becomes unbearable, when pain gets even worse, and I just start screaming. Two months ago I was prescribed one ampoule of injectable omnopon [opioid pain medication]. It was then enough to sooth my pain for four hours, but now it helps only for maximum of two. I keep it for nights, so that I can sleep for those two hours. The pain attacks start unexpectedly and I start screaming and become a different person. When it starts I [can’t speak], I have pain attacks every night.It’s inhumane pain, unbearable pain for a human being.


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