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Peru - Results in Nutrition for Juntos SWAp : P117310 - Implementation Status Results Report

페루 국외연구자료 기타 The World Bank The World Bank 발간일 : 2015-10-10 등록일 : 2015-10-14 원문링크

The proposed operation has been designed to support the demand, supply, and governance of nutrition services provided by the Government of Peru (GoP), organized under the Articulated Nutrition Program (PAN). The objectives of the proposed operation are to: (i) increase demand for nutrition services by strengthening the operational effectiveness of the Juntos Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) program; and (ii) improve coverage and quality of the supply of basic preventive health and nutrition services in the communities covered under the PAN including Juntos. Activities to support both objectives include a strong emphasis in promoting good governance to monitor the impact of the Government Programs and of the proposed intervention in nutrition outcomes.

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