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The Management Style of Cultural Tourism in the Ancient Monuments of Lower Central Thailand

태국 국외연구자료 기타 Wasana Lerkplien, Chamnan Rodhetbhai, Ying Keeratiboorana Asian Social Science 발간일 : 2014-03-05 등록일 : 2016-03-30 원문링크

Cultural tourism is a vital part of the Thai economy, without which the country would have a significantly reduced income. Key to the cultural tourism business in Thailand is the ancient history that is to be found throughout the country in the form of monuments and artifacts. This research examines the management of these ancient monuments in the lower central part of the country. By studying problems with the management of cultural tourism, the researchers outline a suitable model to increase its efficiency. For the attractions to continue to provide prosperity for the nation, it is crucial that this model is implemented to create a lasting and continuous legacy for the cultural tourism business.

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