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Development of performance management reforms in Lithuanian public sector

리투아니아 국외연구자료 기타 Mindaugas Kaselis Baltic Journal of Law & Politics 발간일 : 2014-02-27 등록일 : 2016-04-08 원문링크

The article presents result-based performance management in the public sector and challenges for its formation. The attention is paid to the fact that despite the managerial character, this is a perspective with political implications. Before the result-based performance management in Lithuania is analyzed, the American experience has been presented, where almost each new administration of the President (since President Lyndon B. Johnson) has introduced systemic novelties with regard to the development of management on the federal level. Lastly, qualitative research data is used to present the attitudes of Lithuanian civil servants and politicians to the components of performance management, while the programmes of the political parties for the Lithuanian Seimas (Parliament) in 2012-2016 help to reveal the attitudes of the present party in power towards the components of performance management.


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