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Testing of the "Fisher Divorce Adjustment Scale" Questionnaire for Russian Sample in Kazakhstan

카자흐스탄 국외연구자료 기타 Gulnara Kobylanovna Slanbekova, Maira Pobedovna Kabakova, Davlet Dubekovich Duisenbekov, Mariya Vladimirovna Mun, Sandugash Kansarovna Kudaibergenova Asian Social Science 발간일 : 2014-01-01 등록일 : 2016-04-17 원문링크

The article presents the experience of adaptation of foreign questionnaire "Fisher Divorce Adjustment Scale). The substantiation of the necessity of testing the English version of the questionnaire for the Russian-speaking population, is living in Kazakhstan. This is due to primarily to the lack of this kind of instructional techniques and methods for psych diagnosis divorced people to help them in further need of psychological help in overcoming post-divorce crisis. Considers the organizational aspects of the Russian version of the test in compliance with the requirements of appropriate testing it was translated into the Russian language techniques. Describes how to create traditional primary forms of the questionnaire and its psychometric test. Analyzes the reasons for the low efficiency of the statements identified after analysis of the items, as well as some aspects of performance of psychometric characteristics of test.


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