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Cross-cultural Communication as a Way of Achievement of Cross-cultural Communicative Competence

카자흐스탄 국외연구자료 기타 Olga A. Andreyeva, Sholpan K. Tuleubayeva, Anna A. Ganyukova, Zhuldyz M. Tentekbayeva European Researcher 발간일 : 2015-02-16 등록일 : 2016-05-04 원문링크

In this article authors made an attempt to consider a question of cross-cultural communication as a way of achievement of cross-cultural communicative competence. In the process of Kazakhstan entry into the world community in several plans at once economic, social and cultural the need for the highly qualified specialists who know foreign language at the productive level, i.e. capable to conduct communication in foreign language and who have linguocultural knowledge increases. For achievement of this purpose it is necessary to consider features of students’ training which are determined by the needs of society for the improvement of their education quality, and dynamism of social phenomena demands from the future specialists constant increment of knowledge.

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