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Effects of Implementing Strategic Human Resource Management on Organizational Success Case Study of (Kuwait Finance House- KFH)

쿠웨이트 국외연구자료 기타 Ateej Al-Adwani International Business Research 발간일 : 2014-02-24 등록일 : 2016-05-10 원문링크

The paper revolves around the influence of implementing HRM strategies in the overall organizational success. The author took Kuwait Finance House (KFH) in Kuwait as a case study through distributing a self-built questionnaire on the bank's employees in order to measure how implementing HRM strategies on the employees' intention to deliver their organization to the shore of success. The paper took a percentage of 5% of the total KFH employees, 100 employees. The results showed that the management of KFH implements HRM strategies in a way that encourages the employees to present the best of their performance in order to accomplish the organization's goals and objectives.

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