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Foreign Experience of Activity of Chambers of Commerce and Industry and Prospects of its Introduction in Ukraine

벨라루스 국외연구자료 기타 Alexandrova Bohdana V Business Inform 발간일 : 2013-11-07 등록일 : 2016-05-11 원문링크

The article conducts analysis of foreign experience of activity of chambers of commerce and industry under conditions of market economy. It studies specific features of its formation and establishment in the countries of European Union and Commonwealth of Independent States. In particular, it analyses activity of chambers of commerce and industry of Germany, Denmark, Great Britain, Russia, Moldova and Belarus. It considers continental, anglo-saxon, state and mixed models of activity of a chamber of commerce and industry. It identifies specific features of functioning of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine. Having analysed the progressive experience, it offers measures for improvement of the procedure of interaction of business with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine at the national, regional and branch levels.


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