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인도ㆍ남아시아 일반 국외연구자료 기타 Runjun Borah Review of Research 발간일 : 2015-09-01 등록일 : 2016-05-12 원문링크

There is no denying the fact that examinations have for reaching effects on the entire approach to education. Examination is an integral part of any teaching learning process. Examinations influence the contents of education as well as methods of teaching. They influence pupils, teachers, parents, administrators and infact the whole society. So it is essential that examination must assess all round developments of the students. Examination is necessary because it plays a significant role in the education system of country . The truth remains that examinations are closely related to the education systems prevailing all over the world that no county has been able to do away with examinations till to day. The main aim of the education system of every country is to develop the wholesome personality of the individual. The examination system aims at evaluating the level of development attained through the education system. In this article writer tries to reveal the historical development of examination system in India with special reference to Assam.


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