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Fuzzy-VIKOR analysis for customer performance index of civil domestic airline industry in India

인도ㆍ남아시아 일반 국외연구자료 기타 Suman Saket, Amritpal Singh, Dinesh Khanduja Management Science Letters 발간일 : 2015-01-01 등록일 : 2016-05-26 원문링크

This paper considers the factor influencing on an airline carrier based on operations of an airport on the routes flown out of that airport. This study deals with evaluation of the Customer Performance index (CPI) of distinct domestic civil airlines in India. CPI consists of various parameters; among them many disembodied parameters, which are difficult to measure. In this context, initially we identified the prime factors that are crucial for evaluation of performances provided by various airlines in India. Thereafter, in order to determine the hierarchy among these factors; modified digital logic (MDL) approach is employed and cost is found to be the most important criteria. Furthermore, CPI is calculated using fuzzy-VIKOR approach. Such approaches can help the airlines in re-evaluating their current policies and then formulate comparatively more efficient market strategies to improve performance quality and to gain customers’ loyalty.

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