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Factors Which Affecting Customer Satisfaction in the Garment Industry of Bangladesh

인도ㆍ남아시아 일반 국외연구자료 기타 Md. Alauddin, Saiful Islam Tanvir, Farjana Mita International Journal of Marketing Studies 발간일 : 2013-08-06 등록일 : 2016-05-26 원문링크

Contentment of customer on goods and services of industries are conscientious as the most imperative feature heading towards the competitiveness and accomplishment in global business pursuit. Bangladesh is the largest manufacturer and exporter of global garments product. This manuscript is an endeavor en route for come across the aspects which affecting purchaser satisfaction of garments industry of Bangladesh. The collision of different variables such as Quality of Product, Accepted Quality Level, Production Cost, On Time (Experienced) Shipment, Standard Lead Time, Measurement of Product Security, Proper Sampling, Service and Communication with the Employee, Expertise of the Employee, and Referral of the Factory to customer satisfaction has been scrutinized. The cram has been predestined upon the prime data which is composed from different garments factories of Bangladesh situated in Dhaka, Narayngang, Gazipur, Tongi, Savar & EPZ etc with the prearranged opinion poll. Data investigation was ended with SPSS software. The numerical investigation manner engaged inside this cram is Aspect Investigation. Following the scrutiny, it’s originated so as to the most customers of the garments industry of Bangladesh are more sentient about expertise of the employee of the factory to tenacity their problem arose, Referral of the Factory, and Measurement of Product Security Offered by the Factory, and Production Cost Offered by the Factory and Quality of Product Manufactured by the Factory.


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