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Presenting and Describing the System Model for Evaluating International Market Attractiveness Using for Afghan Exporters

인도ㆍ남아시아 일반 국외연구자료 기타 Gholam Ali Tabarsa, Seyed Yahya Akhlaqi New Marketing Research Journal 발간일 : 2013-09-22 등록일 : 2016-05-26 원문링크

Literature review in international market attractiveness evaluation and operational practice in Afghanistan demonstrate that there are two approaches in international market selection: expansion and systematic approach. In expansion approach, firms gradually enter low geographical and psychic distance markets. But, in systematic approach, by considering some factors and models, firms systematically evaluate and select foreign market(s). The importance and need for systematically evaluating and selecting potential foreign markets has been stressed by many researchers, and several models for selecting international markets had been prescribed. But, current models do not pass the test of reality, because they are not adapted with exporters’ decision making process and they do not consider the important aspects of reality. Then, in this paper, we introduce a comprehensive international market attractiveness model that has four steps: demand attractiveness, attainment attractiveness, adaptation attractiveness, and competition attractiveness. At last, according to tested model, a systematic support model is developed and is expected to introduce a new approach for Afghan exporters based on the upcoming suggestions.

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