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A Study of Australian Business Excellence Award Winners

싱가포르 국외연구자료 기타 Maruf Hasan, Hanisah Hannifah Journal of Service Science and Management 발간일 : 2013-06-21 등록일 : 2016-06-07 원문링크

The modern approach of Total Quality Management and reliability concerns excellence. Excellence in service, product, accreditation and the way the business is managed. With this approach, the services and education sectors have set new business excellence benchmarks. A study of Business Excellence award winners in Singapore has been conducted. This paper covers the contributions of the award winning organizations in adopting the business excellence approach. The methodology comprises of a literature review of the benefits of the business excellence award and an analysis of the findings which examines the quality implemented and the result achieved by the organizations. The findings reveal that business excellence is applicable to any organization. It guides a government, private, service, education, healthcare, profit or a non-profit sector organization to organizational success. The quality approach used by the award winning organization is similar. The differences lie in the way decisions are deployed which is based on the organization’s unique needs, cultures, systems and processes.

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