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Regional government in Poland as a bodz shaping informational policy

폴란드 국외연구자료 기타 Kuca Paweł, Polak Rafał Slovak Journal of Political Sciences 발간일 : 2016-08-05 등록일 : 2016-08-05 원문링크

The present paper is aimed to analyze the activities of the regional government in Poland as an entity conducting activities in the field of information policy. This issue, apart from the theory related to the tasks of the regional government in Poland, is based on the results of the authors’ research on the information policy conducted by the administrative units of the regional government in Poland. Two types of tests were used in the study. Primarily, the results of research on information policy conducted by the Marshal’s Offices, which are organs of the local government administration, were used. These studies involved approach to communication activities in the regional government bodies, applied in organizational solutions, as well as the tools used in the field of information policy. The second part of the study concerned the issue of information policy at the level of regional councils, i.e. legislative bodies of regional governments in Poland.

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