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Central Asia and Post-2014 Afghanistan : A New Turn in Russia's Military Policy in Central Asia

남아시아 일반 국내연구자료 기타 Younkyoo Kim, Stephen Blank, Erden Ordabek The Korean Journal of Defense Analysis 발간일 : 2016-09-01 등록일 : 2016-09-01 원문링크

As the NATO withdrawal proceeds in Afghanistan, both the Alliance and keymembers will encourage Central Asian states to assume more responsibility forproviding their own security. But such a task is enormous for most Central Asiangovernments. Thus, they fear that they might be abandoned to Moscow, if notBeijing, or left on their own to face what they believe to be a mounting terroristthreat. This article examines the already visible military and strategic rivalrybetween Moscow and Washington for hegemony in Central Asia—mainly throughsupport for weapon transfers, basing rights, and regional integration mechanismsin the security field.

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