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Energy paybacks of six-sigma: A case study of manufacturing industry in India

인도ㆍ남아시아 일반 국외연구자료 기타 Prabhakar Kaushik, Kapil Mittal, Pardeep Rana Management Science Letters 발간일 : 2016-10-21 등록일 : 2016-10-21 원문링크

Industries, nowadays, are concerned about energy consumption and ever narrowing rules of emissions by the governments. Therefore, a race to clean; green and less energy consuming manufacturing is going on throughout the world. But in authors’ perspective, the major part of energy exploitation lies in the production of a rejected product. Therefore alongside the use of energy saving processes and machinery, industry should primarily look for rejection reduction. This, apart from energy saving and profitability, will add to the moral responsibility of every person toward nature. Here in this paper, authors describe a case study in which the increased rejection rate of a part of cycle chain assembly is controlled by the application of Six Sigma. Six Sigma, from many years has proved to be an ultimate solution when it comes to the application part in manufacturing industries. It’s very generic and easily applicable methodology has drawn tremendous positive results throughout the world. A financial gain of INR 0.267 million was yielded by implying six-sigma approach. In a move toward energy saving, the money saved by the project was used for green manufacturing to promote energy conservation.


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