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Is the Socio-Economic Justice Still the Aim or Already the Result of the Cooperation Between Business and Society in Developing Synergy? The Case of Lithuania

리투아니아 국외연구자료 기타 Dalia Karlaite, Alfonsas Laurinavičius International Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies 발간일 : 2014-05-02 등록일 : 2016-11-29 원문링크

Today’s business philosophy promotes social responsibility, social self-development and other significant concepts for aspiration of cooperation between business and society in developing synergy; therefore this determines changes in the production, exchange and innovation logic. Socially responsible businesses voluntarily assume obligations in order to meet the interests and needs of society, and take the responsibility for the impact of their activities for all stakeholders. Society understands socio-economic justice as the access to the goods and services, participation in decisionmaking process, equal employment opportunities, fair wages and other. The results of the national representative survey of Lithuanian residents had shown where major social and economic tensions remain in the country. The respondents critically evaluate the oasis of social responsibility where the principles of corruption, exercising ‘proper prevailing circumstances’ and other interferences are still present.

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