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The Problem of Gender and Sensitive Use of the Language in Kazakhstan: The Case of German

카자흐스탄 국외연구자료 기타 Gulnar Kulmukhambetovna Ismagulova, Viktoriya Valerievna Danilova, Kenzhigul Kunusbaevna Segizbaeva, Bibikul Mazanovna Utegenova, Yuliya Borisovna Grigorova International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature 발간일 : 2016-05-05 등록일 : 2017-02-14 원문링크

In this article the problem of language asymmetry and possibility of the gender and sensitive use of the Kazakh and Russian languages in the territory of Kazakhstan is discussed. One of the aspects of gender equality in society is also the language policy. Authors also suggest discussing this subject, involving experience of feministic linguistics of other countries, and first of all, of Germany. Gender and sensitive use of the language in oral and written communication is especially urgent for Kazakhstan as culturally determined features of the language policy in this cultural space have a gap due to the low level of special attention paid to gender democracy in the language. But at the same time, it creates a vast platform for further researches in this direction. Both language and political activity are determined by the fact that these intentions are part of the general social transformations in our society. An integrated approach to the analysis of gender and sensitive use of the language in Kazakhstan, systematization of theoretical knowledge demands, studying foreign experience in gender reform of the language and it is impossible to be implemented without linguistic data from other languages. Their critical judgment will allow avoiding problems connected with implementation of this policy. Keywords: language asymmetry, gender, gender equality, feminization, neutralization


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