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[경영]The effect of internationalization on the performance of Mongolian small and medium enterprises

몽골 국외연구자료 기타 Oyuntungalag Buyantur, 남영호 동북아시아문화학회 발간일 : 2017-03-15 등록일 : 2017-04-20 원문링크

The effect of internationalization on the performance of Mongolian small and medium enterprises Oyuntungalag Buyantur․Nam, Young-Ho Although some Mongolian SMEs do export in cashmere, meat, and other processed products, the amount of export do not reach substantial level to support the economy. The government officials look for solutions to promote the internationalization of SMEs. SMEs are more interested in increasing short-term performance rather than long-term sustainability. Many local managers doubt if internationalization facilitates performance, and they also want to know what resources they need to boost performance through the internationalization. This study aims to answer following questions: (1) How does internationalization affect the performance? (2) Whether factors, including entrepreneurial orientation, knowledge and network affect the firm performance besides internationalization? This study offers a theoretical framework and empirical assessment of the complex relationship among internationalization, entrepreneurial orientation, knowledge and learning, network resources and network behavior, and performance. Our results without doubt confirm that strong internationalization and performance relationship persists. In fact, firms can obtain superior performance if they align international expansion with entrepreneurial orientation (EO) and network. The entrepreneurial dimension of the internationalization is brought forth explicitly in this study. In the international market firms will face challenges from local rivals, firms with high EO will be able to anticipate and identify difference and new trends and take advantage of them. Results of this study also suggest that SMEs review their policies and procedures and enhance more entrepreneurial behavior. The findings demonstrate that SME performance is strongly relied on networks. SMEs usually have difficulties in locating and building relationships with overseas partners. Public figures are in better positions to build contacts, through locating and linking possible overseas partners. Working as a mediating agent between domestic and foreign firms, public organizations can facilitate better networking to support internationalization of SMEs

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