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[산업]베트남에서 한류와 한국 화장품 광고에 대한 태도가추천의도에 미치는 영향* - 국가이미지와 한국 화장품 태도를 매개변수로 -

베트남 국외연구자료 기타 타오, 배상욱, 김완민 동북아시아문화학회 발간일 : 2017-03-15 등록일 : 2017-04-26 원문링크

The Effect of ‘Hanllyu’ Trend and Cosmetic Advertising on the Introduction of Korean Cosmetic Products in Vietnam Market: The Mediating Variables Role of Korea Images and Consumers' Attitudes toward Korean Cosmetic Products Vo, Ngoc Phuong Thao․Bae, Sang-Wook․Kim, Wan-Min The aim of this study is to verify the effect of Korean Wave and cosmetics advertising on recommendation intention of Korean cosmetics in Vietnam. Specifically this study investigated how consumers' attitudes towards Korean cosmetics including Korean Wave, Korean advertising, and national image affect on recommendation intention. To analyze this, it conducted the online survey to 298 women consumers who live in Ho Chi Minh. The characteristics of data such as validity, reliability, and hypothesis verification were statistically analyzed by SPSS 21.0 and AMOS 21.0. The result of analysis indicates that Korean Wave and Korean national image have a good influence on consumers' attitudes towards Korean cosmetics, and also Korean cosmetics advertising has a directly beneficial effects on consumers' attitudes. For this reason, Korean culture needs not only to be expanded through Korean Wave using K-POP and celebrities but also to be more properly provided for Vietnamese people with improving cultural value and developing new contents. Furthermore, considering the fact that consumers' attitudes towards Korean products directly affect on recommendation intention, Korean companies should try to make a good impression with a sleek design and high quality services. Afterward, the following limitations can be drawn: Firstly, the empirical surveys have just applied to the women consumers in the Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam. Therefore, it can not represent for other cities. Thus, the investigation should be extended to increase the accuracy and contributions of this study in the future. In addition, assessment procedure of consumer' attitudes to advertising of Korean cosmetics was only performed based on the questionnaires, so the visibility of surveyed consumer was not promoted fully. Finally, the negative trends in Korean dramas, movies, and KPOPs, in Vietnam have not concerned in this study.

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