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[무역] 일 · 몽골의 EPA체결 배경과 그에 따른 우리나라의 대응방안

몽골 국내연구자료 기타 이종원 한국무역연구원 발간일 : 2017-04-18 등록일 : 2017-05-08 원문링크

Mongolia has geographically had isolated circumstances under the influence of China and Russia for a sustained period and therefore has an excessive dependence on both countries.

However, in trying to explore new external relations on its own, it pushes ahead with foreign economic cooperation to escape from a thoroughly pro-China policy by concluding its first EPA with Japan. Hereupon,Koreashouldchangeitspolicy from an easy and superficial economic cooperation to a practical and effective bilateral cooperation, with the visit of Mongolia by Korean president. Accordingly, it needs to analyze and present solutions on the improvement of relationship with a core group that influences decision-making, presentation of tailored cooperative measures related to Mongolian urgent tasks, EPA contract between Japan and Mongolia and counteractive measures on resources development and investment, the analysis of constructive and a joint cooperative plan about a new field. Accordingly, this paper is going to seek and present a few measures for the two countries to cooperate and to pursue practical partnership via a bilateral relationship.



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