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[지역] 무함마드 이븐 압드 알 와합의 여성관 연구

아프리카ㆍ 중동 일반 국내연구자료 기타 황병하 한국외국어대학교(글로벌캠퍼스) 중동연구소 발간일 : 2014-10-08 등록일 : 2017-05-10 원문링크

It is regarded the ‘Wahhabism’ comes from the thought of Ibn Abdal-Wahhab, and means a radical Islamic movement toward misogyny,extremism, and traditionalism denying women's rights and forbiddingtheir access to public places. Critics of Wahhabism and westernwomen's rights activists point to extreme examples like SaudiArabia's cases. But some researches of Ibn Abd al-Wahhab havedefined his life and writings reflect concern for women and women'srights. He recognized women as human beings and active agents inboth the private and public realms, and insisted consistently on theapplication of social justice, the equality of all believers, and the needto preserve public welfare and order in the Muslim community.

In this regard, this research presented the current situation ofwomen in Saudi Arabia and its connection with Wahhabism, thedifference between Wahhabism and the real teachings of al-Wahhab,his views on women's rights and marriage. This research analyzed hisviews on women rights were very positive and progressive, herespected women's rights aggressively, he made clear that marriageis the only legal means for the satisfaction of sexual desire, and avalid marriage needed women's consent, contracting of marriage by amale Wali, presence of two witnesses, and equality of status betweenthe man and the women.


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