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[행정] Land Administration and Land Information System Approach in Sri Lanka

스리랑카 국내연구자료 기타 Wijenayake, Nelson, 장정화 지적과 국토정보 발간일 : 2013-07-31 등록일 : 2017-07-27 원문링크

This study presents a brief introduction about the historical aspects of land administration, land surveying and status of Land Information System (LIS) of Sri Lanka with supported legal framework. Furthermore, the survey plans produced by the Survey Department (SD) as a national organization responsible for land administrative surveys of the country are discussed briefly. The study of the main issue, LIS is also discussed and analyzed with the current situation and strategies followed for recent development in digital environment. Finally the issues need to be developed for the better LIS surroundings are discussed with the author’s own strategies and concluding remarks.


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