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[정치] Competition Policies and Laws of India and China- The Cases of Developing Countries with Large Economies -

인도 국내연구자료 학술논문 최요섭 법학연구 발간일 : 2016-09-30 등록일 : 2017-09-08 원문링크

Competition law has been considered both an essential legal mechanism for ensuring a competitive market economy and an important tool for enhancing a state economy. In particular, globalisation of state economies has driven the rapid development of competition law and policy in the large economies that are heavily influenced by the global economy and international trade. In fact, India and China boast large economies, and the emergence of competition regimes in these countries has elicited notable interest from competition scholars and businessmen around the world. For scholars and multinational enterprises, the competition regimes of India and China have become the new frontier, and they may contribute to the convergence of global competition standards. As India and China, following implementation of competition laws by their legislatures, have become pivotal players in the sphere of global competition law, it is necessary to discuss the development and framework of the competition regimes in these countries. This article, thus, aims, through a comparative study, to provide a general introduction to the competition regimes in India and China, delineating the distinctive features of the prevailing regulatory models. It also highlights the meaning of convergence by finding similarities and differences between the competition regimes in the developing world.

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