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[법] 중미 국가의 노사관계 및 노동법제 연구-과테말라, 엘살바도르, 온두라스를 중심으로

과테말라 국내연구자료 학술논문 이철수 /Lee, Cheol-Soo 1 , 박귀천 2 , 박은정 3 법학논집 발간일 : 2003-02-28 등록일 : 2017-09-08 원문링크

In these days, our labor-intensive industries in Korea such as fiber and sewing industries are being transferred to the overseas countries. In such a tendency, three countries in the Central America including Guatemala, the Public El Salvador and Honduras which are the subjects of this study provided the companies whose target is to export their goods to America, a motive to find a market in the Central America, because of the following factors: (ⅰ) being benefited by no tax pursuant to the Caribbean Sea district development plan; (ⅱ) a geographical condition of a neighboring country of USA, as well as (ⅲ) a factor of a country abundant in cheap labor force.

본 페이지에 등재된 자료는 운영기관(KIEP)EMERiCs의 공식적인 입장을 대변하고 있지 않습니다.
