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[사회] 이주민 서사에 재현된 '네팔' 표상과 서사의 욕망

네팔 국내연구자료 학술논문 연남경 한국언어문학회 발간일 : 2012-09-01 등록일 : 2017-09-13 원문링크

This thesis examined the symbol of Nepal in early narratives of the immigrant. In a film of Park, Chan Wook, Never Ending Peace And Love, Nepal is shown as the landscape of tourist attraction. Nepalese, Chandra, has set in as an image of thorough victim in Korea. And, Korean director judges and denounces Korean society without any opportunity for subaltem to speak subjects. In a full-length novel of Park, Bum Shin, Namaste, Nepalese image delivered to Camil and Sinwoo is idealized as the highly beautiful, good, pure and emotional valued place in every aspect of religion, nature, culture, and so forth. The idealization makes Nepal unrealistic space. Therefore, which Camil and Sinwoo who are died in Korea are writer's awareness of negative realilies and writer's desire is facing Marpa of the future. A short story of Kim, Jae Young, Elephant, there is differences between multi-cultural first generation and the second generation. Nepal is lost hometown and object of missing for father, but Akas, a son bom in Korea, is not registered by birth. He shows thoroughly tragic identity as an existence who doesn't have hometown. Nepal's symbols in three narratives commonly are mystery of natural landscape and pursuing of emotional value. It is the setting for judging world view of current capitalism. The differences of three narratives are as follows. Never Ending Peace And Love is a narrative which looks back on Korean negative attributes in the past, contrary to the landscape of current Nepal, and Namaste is a narrative which idealizes Nepal excessively by aiming to the future. Elephant is a narrative which delivers misery of realities actually and includes writer's desires.


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