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[역사] A Study on the Black Sea Region from a Historical Perspective -With a Focus on Romania and Turkey-

루마니아 / 튀르키예 국내연구자료 학술논문 박정오 아시아중동부유럽학회 발간일 : 2012-09-05 등록일 : 2017-09-15 원문링크

Relationships pass from direct confrontation to becoming considered as “areas of influence” (during the difficult times of structural transitions for Romanians since the medieval time as an almost perpetual one) to the present time, when they seem to be perceived as bridges of communication for their region and to the rest of the world. The story begins centuries ago. Its exterior rhythm (foundation of the Romanian states, the arrival of a newcomer, the Ottoman, wars, invasions, occupation, vassal, negotiations, etc.) has created, paradoxically, the fundament for today’s pace. The length of the time factor, which includes more than six centuries of shared history (beginning from the 14th century), has decisively contributed to the creation of an ulterior common rhythm. From conflict to understanding and cooperation, it has been a long road. In fact, the road takes a common turn when it takes the path inscribed in the process of modernizing the two countries. In order for this to take place, they had to deal with their two fundamental identity problems: for Romania, accepting the value of its rural base; for Turkey, accepting its Muslim identity. This was reflected mainly in the conception they had about the state and its citizens, particularly the way they have seen each one’s right to own property, the way they constructed the relations with foreigners, and the way they looked at the aforementioned fundamental. The essential path of communication for Korea in this realm rests with its own identity. There is a fundamental resemblance in the Korean way of seeing its own identity, of all, of the anonymous workers building the nation’s top economic successes and the ones around the Black Sea shore, particularly Romania and Turkey. To connect with these simple values that are engraved in their cultures would mean to understand the diverse forms in which they are manifested or can manifest in the future. The main key of economic success in today’s world is accepting each one’s diversity and to be ready to listen to its rhythm from the confident positions of one’s own rhythm.


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