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[법] 2014년 이집트 헌법의 이슬람관련 주요 내용 분석

이집트 국내연구자료 학술논문 황병하 한국중동학회 발간일 : 2015-10-05 등록일 : 2017-10-13 원문링크

This paper is intended to research the analysis of the main topics related to Islam in Egyptian Constitution 2014, focused on the political power structure and power balance. The Egyptian Constitution 2012 was annulled by the military coup in the 3 July, 2013. The Egyptian Constitution 2014 was drafted and revised by the request of the civil society and Egyptian military. So It was regarded as a product of military coup and Tamarrud movement. But the Islamic movement and MB had raised questions and protests against the military coup and some big change of the articles on Islam. During discussions of the new constitution, Article 219 of the Constitution 2012 was the main target to be perished. Article 219, embodied the principles of the Islamic Sharia in the Constitution 2012, provoked so many controversies from the opposition party, religious minorities, military, and women activists. However, Article 2 of the Constitution 1971(amended in 1980, reproduced in the 2012 draft) had already proclaimed the Islamic Sharia as the main source of legislation. In chapter Ⅱ, the comparison of the articles related to the Islam and Military between the Constitution 2012 and Constitution 2014 were given. Because the Constitution is the main source to understand and analyze the political power structure and power balance. In Chapter Ⅲ, the process of revision on the Constitution 2014 and political power structure between Islamism and Secularism in Egypt were presented. Also the formation and main roles of the 50 member council in Egyptian Constitution 2014 were researched. In Chapter Ⅳ, the Constitution 2014 and power balance between Islamism and Secularism in Egypt were presented. In Constitution 2014, articles on Secularism overwhelmed Islamism, and the article 219 in the Constitution 2012 was annulled. In Chapter Ⅴ, the meaning and the characteristics of articles related on Islam in the Constitution 2014 and its evaluation were given. In Egypt, from drafting the Constitution 2012, the interpretation of Article 219 fell into the Supreme Constitutional Court (SCC), the Judicial authority. This authority has been regarded as a very secular institution. So it is said the confrontation between Islamism and Secularism in Egypt has been prolonged from the period of Nasser till now. On this regard, the Islamic Sharia has provoked a lot of intellectual inquiries and questions from Constitution 1971. In Egypt, the Islamic Sharia has regarded as a authoritative tradition and principles. However, SCC had no choice except accepting Sharia as a tradition in the Constitution 2012 and treating it a little bit roughly and unimportant, the cooperation between the Military and SCC had agreed on annulling the Article 219 in the Constitution 2014. Most of Article 219's terms came from the traditional Sunni methodology based on the Quran and Sunna. In fact, ex-president Mursi and MB had tried to include Article 219 in the Constitution 2014 to reduce the Military’s political and economic power. But the Military had acknowledged MB's intention and tried to collapse Mursi government and Islamic power, and finally taken a chance of military coup through the Tamarrud movement. The relationship between MB and the Military had been worsen from the elections of 2012, and the Egyptian Military never accepted the Mursi government. So it is said the annulling of Article 219 in Constitution 2012 was a product of the Military and al-Sisi, and the Constitution 2014 will be revised whenever al-Sisi wants for the Military.

본 페이지에 등재된 자료는 운영기관(KIEP)EMERiCs의 공식적인 입장을 대변하고 있지 않습니다.
