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[정치] 푸틴 정치개혁의 특징과 과제

러시아 국내연구자료 학술논문 서동주 한국슬라브학회 발간일 : 2007-10-17 등록일 : 2017-10-18 원문링크

Characteristics and Challenges of the Putin’s Political Reform Suh, Dong Joo The purpose of this article is to explore the political implications of the Putin Administration and to find out the characters and challenges of Putin’s political reforms. This article focuses on the parts that have been changed during Putin’s Regime, namely, the verticalization of political power, status of Petersburgers, rising of Siloviki, change of relations between the center and regions, organizational structure of administration. political party system, and political environments towards the post-Putin era. Generally, characteristics of Putin’s political reforms are as follows : totality of sphere, exaggeration of efficiency and reaching goals, stability of political environments, strengthening the state’s control after the Beslan school hostage crisis(2004.9), appearance of authoritarian inclinations, customization of political power succession and so on. Now, Russia is faced to meet challenges and should overcome them in order to accomplish political development. Russia is entering the final stages of procedural democracy. Successfully carrying out the elections in 2007 and 2008 gives the country an opportunity of taking a great leap forward in the political development in Russia. Above all, it is very important not only to preserve the regulation that is prohibited from electing for the third term but also to make regime and leadership change peacefully. Because it is composed of the core of Putin-type’s political regime. It is expected that Putin’s rational choice and final decision will be contributed to Russia’s matured democracy and its promising future.


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